My Story...

Ever since my daughter got sick, I have been on a mission

Three weeks into Juliana's life we knew something was wrong.

She was covered in a rash from head to toe, was screaming in pain, and had blood in her stool.

You could imagine the fear and heartbreak we had as first-time parents watching their baby struggle. As any parent would do, we went to our pediatrician in search of answers but got nowhere.

My husband and I went the holistic routine in search of the answers we were looking for and a whole new world open up to us.

I became obsessed with learning the connections between food and health. In fact, I felt so strongly about it that I change careers over it, I permanently left my middle school teaching job and enrolled at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in NYC to become a

Certified Holistic Health Coach, knowing that I could help not only Juliana but so many others.

But here’s the interesting thing, after graduating as an Integrative Holistic Health Coach I was shocked to find that I was constantly exhausted.

And when I say exhausted, I mean fall asleep at the dinner table and at every single movie we ever watched kind of exhausted.

As a health coach, I should know what to eat to fuel my body- Why am I constantly cranky, craving chocolate, and outright exhausted?

The traditional methods of health coaching that encouraged perfection around clean eating were causing me to sabotage my progress.

They were hard to maintain long-term making me give up easily and feel frustrated that I couldn’t accomplish my goals.

I got so tired of being tired and frustrated that I started to explore other options.

I developed unique methods and systems that allowed me to identify exactly what my body needed and created a plan that worked with my busy lifestyle.

I literally turned my health around.

I began to have more energy, stopped craving sugary foods, my mood balanced out AND I had a grasp on how simple healthy living could actually be. (Trust me, if it’s not easy- I do not do it)

My 'unicorn results' were a result of the strong resistance I had to old-school coaching tactics that I knew weren't working, and my commitment to bring more of my unique brilliance to the health industry.

Similar to what you might be experiencing, I had to overcome heavy waves of

exhaustion, questioning what to eat, food cravings,

the overwhelm of all things “healthy”, and

the trial & error of developing a system that actually works...

but every moment was worth it because it led me to the creation of my unique coaching program.

Through that process, I figured out how to transform the health of hundreds of women by teaching them exactly what their bodies need to thrive and by coaching them on lifelong strategies for change.

...all while being able to enjoy the foods and activities that they love.

And I want to be the one to show you what that feels like.

© 2022 Lety Algeri